Former Hazardous Materials Coordinator

Brian recently retired after a long & fulfilling career as the Hazardous Materials Coordinator (Chief Officer) for the Calgary Fire Department in Alberta, Canada. Brian received a diploma of Engineering in 1987 a B.Sc. in Chemistry in 1993 and worked as an industrial research & production chemist in several disciplines including commercial disinfectants, heavy cleaners and custom exterior wood coatings. In 1999 Brian joined the Calgary Fire Department and soon moved onto the Hazmat Response team. Brian was promoted to Hazardous Materials Coordinator in 2012. Brian is a licensed Safety Codes Officer (Fire) in the Province of Alberta, has a strong background in related codes & standards, Transportation of Dangerous Goods, hazmat related training, safety & awareness and response planning, and remains involved nationally in partnership development of first responder training programs.
Brian’s interest in Hydrogen energy led to an appointment in 2009 with the US Department of Energy’s Hydrogen Industry Panel on Codes, and in 2012 was invited to join the Technical Committee for NFPA 2 Hydrogen Technologies Code. Brian maintains a strong interest in first responder safety & response and has published several journal articles, industry specific training manuals, National Response protocols and has presented nationally and internationally on a variety of hazardous materials related topics. Brian is a senior partner in a small consulting company focusing on many aspects of safety, awareness and emergency response planning.